Notice: Kifco holds an exclusive license for the application of foam for emergency mass depopulation of poultry under United States Patent No. 7,435,166.
If Avian influenza, or other disease, strikes a commercial broiler house, the
industry and agricultural departments must react immediately to prevent the
spread of disease.

Field tested and developed with input from the poultry industry, the Avi-FoamGuard has been proven 100% effective in depopulating infected poultry houses. Researchers and
veterinarians have learned that using foam with the right bubble size is a practical, humane and
effective method for mass depopulation. It creates an occlusion in the trachea of birds, causing
immediate hypoxia in less than three minutes. Crews can depopulate a large commercial broiler
house in less than an hour using our proven technology, U.L.-listed non-toxic foam, and the
straightforward controls of the Avi-FoamGuard.
Efficient & Safe
Local producers, agriculture departments, and emergency management personnel can quickly
learn to operate the equipment and can rely on its ease of use. Specially designed to reduce the
number of personnel who must enter a facility, the Avi-FoamGuard greatly reduces biosecurity risk
over prior methods. From set-up to clean-up, the Avi-FoamGuard system requires only a two-person
crew to operate, representing an enormous savings in cost and time. Even better, only one operator
needs to enter a facility. Avi-FoamGuard gives commercial producers a simple method that quickly
suppresses infected poultry without unduly stressing poultry or personnel; it may even enhance the
composting process necessary to neutralize viruses.
Other Methods Aren’t Practical
Current methods - including whole-house CO2 gas poly-tents or live-haul cage depopulation -
waste valuable time. They expose large crews to unnecessary risk of infection. Other methods such
as cervical dislocation are stressful to both poultry and
personnel. Using any of these methods in the event of an
outbreak would require a significant crew and would result
in substantial costs. Moreover, such methods continually
expose crews to sick or virus-infected animals.
For more information on how to operate the Kifco Avi-FoamGuard equipment, including instruction vidoes, clck here.